Our children are growing in God!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The $250 Magnet!

On Sunday, Kaden was playing at a neighbor's house. I got a phone call around 3:30. The neighbor told me that Kaden just swallowed a Magnetix magnet. He wasn't choking, but it was in his system. I went over and got him. I called our insurance's nurse hotline. Since it was a rather large thing for him to swallow, she told us to go to the ER. We went on Sunday night ($125 copay) and again on Monday morning ($125 copay). He had max. dosage of M.O.M. on Sunday night...nothing. Again on Monday morning...nothing. It had moved, but nothing else had (ha).

Today, Tuesday, I called his pediatrician and she wanted to see him. Low and behold, I fed him a Fiber One bar and 30 minutes later, Cami came in (while I was showering) with the butter container which held the magnet, among other yucky things. She had "caught" it since I was in the shower. Way to go Cami!

I sifted through the mess and cleaned it up to keep as a souvineer. Here it is up close. Kaden has vowed to only swallow food and drinks from now on. Lesson learned, I hope!
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1 comment:

bingo~bonnie said...

oh how I feel your pain... my 5 year old stuck foreign objects in both ears sometime as far back as August that In tell by looking back at the calander to when the doctors visits started...

anyway her "pretend earrings" cost us way more than $250 - as I've yet to get the hospital's bill from our 2nd trip to the hospital. The first to put her to sleep to remove then 2 weeks later to go back in and surgically repair the hole in her ear drum from having to drill one of the seed/nuts out of it :/

thankfully she's not had any pain - photo of the adventure on our family blog www.minorhappenings.blogspot.com

Glad all is well with your son - he is a cutie pie with those big eyes! ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie