In memory of my grandpa, Harvey Oertwig, who recently passed.... Thank you for your sense of humor, you always made me laugh. Thank you for chasing my kids around your house and leaving them with great memories, even though it made you tired. I can remember Cami standing in your boots, which went up to her thighs, when she was two...no one else can fill them quite like you did. Thank you for being there in my teens, when I felt there was no one else to turn to. Thank you for your service to your country as a Marine and to your community in your many various ways. Thank you for loving grandma, even though we never saw how you truly loved each other until you were very sick. There are things that I am not so thankful for too, but those memories and feelings will disolve with time, the good ones won't. You were a good man. I am thankful for that. Thank you for the last thing you ever said to me. I laughed it off at the time, but you were right, it was true. I will treasure that moment forever. The thing I will miss most about you is your laugh...even as an 80 year old man, you still lauged like a kid. What a priceless gift. I love you and miss you and life will not be the same without you. Thank you for the memories...