While at Kai's volleyball game on Monday, Kenzie kept crying, "I want it out, It hurts". She even skipped cheerleading, then we knew it was bad. When we got home, we tried to get it out, without any success. So Tuesday morning, I took her to the ER. The doctor looked at me like I was crazy. I could tell she didn't think there was anything in there, but was going to cut on her anyway, just to be sure.
They wrapped Kenzie up in a sheet to restrain her, along with 2 nurses and myself, while the doctor gave her 5 numbing shots. It wasn't pleasant to watch her scream in agony! The doctor cut above the scab... nothing. Then below the scab and she said, "Oh my goodness! I got it!" She proceeded to tell me that she did not think there was anything in there at first. I told her I could tell that, which made her a little uncomfortable, I think. (A MOM KNOWS! When will doctors give us credit for knowing our children?) So, there it was, but what was it?
When Kevin got home Tuesday evening, we went back to the scene of the crime (it was too dark on Sunday) and Kenzie showed us exactly where she was when she got hurt. I had pruned my only rose bush a couple of weeks ago. We are pretty sure that it was the thorn inside her leg and part of the dying limb broke off that we originally got out! What a big deal a little thorn made. It kind of gives a new meaning to the old saying, "A thorn in thy side"...