When we took our first trip to Beaumont, prior to moving here, we spotted an attraction that excited our family, but mostly me! After moving here, our friends came to visit and commented that they saw the attraction as well and had to go to the Gator Country. After 9 months, we finally made it. It was worth the wait! Kenzie-Mae got to have the first half of her 4th birthday party there. We were educated, excited, met some awesome people, and just had a great time.

The owner came up to us and we all started talking. He told us that Animal Planet has been pursuing the idea of having a reality show about Gator Country because all of the alligators, crocodiles and other reptiles are rescued animals. He invited us into the restaurant to view the teaser for the show. It was so exciting! We also got to meet one of his trusty wranglers, Damon, who has been working with him for the last 4 years and is only 18! We saw him on film catching a 5 foot gator in the wild. He was amazing.

Gator Country is also the home of the largest gator in captivity, Big Al. He is 80 years old. over 13 feet and 1000 pounds! He was absolutely beautiful. The "handler" Colin got him to come out of the water and showed us some amazing things. Did you know that an alligator that size has 3000 pounds of pressure in his jaws? Colin swayed his hat through the mouth and it was a pretty wowing sound. We really did get the VIP treatment. I would recommend anyone to go for a great time.
I was affirmed about my love for these wonderful creatures God created during my visit. The reason an alligator is my favorite animal is because they are vicious, sneaky, strong, scary, beautiful creatures that can rip an animal to shreds in one bite, and then carry their babies in the same mouth and be so gentle. God is creative in His teachings.