I have often written about the O'Malley family. Their son Jonathan is 17 and fighting for his life. He's losing....He is in desperate need of a bone marrow donor. He was on the Houston news last night. Please watch the piece...it makes you think! Click on the title and you will be directed to it.
Count your blessings...
Our children are growing in God!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Guess? Belt
Over the years, we have moved from St. James, Missouri, to Rolla, Missouri, to West Plains, Missouri, to Honolulu, Hawaii, to Houston, TX and now to Lumberton, TX. I have learned that when you move nearly every two years, if it wasn't taken out of the box from one move, we didn't need it. You can imagine how many things we've rummaged through and give away before the next move. For some reason, I never parted with that black Guess? belt. I am unsure why. Maybe to hold onto what I once was, or my 20's...who knows.
Here we are in Lumberton, TX and there the belt sits on a shelf in our master bedroom's closet, just as it did years ago. I have been on a weight losing/ health kick first in Hawaii (4 years ago) when I lost 36 pounds and now again where I have a goal to lose an additional 30 (17 are gone!). So today, I pulled out some of my smaller jeans trying to find some to fit and they are too big now too! So, there I went looking for a belt to hold them up, until I can get some jeans that fit. Low and behold, there lies the black Guess? belt. I thought about it and decided to give it a shot. It is 2 holes away from where I once wore it, but as the photo shows, it FITS!
Who knows why we hold on to some of the things we do, but we do. Whether it sentimental reasons or not, it's human. Even though I am unsure of why this belt held such a place with me that I just could not part with it. I am glad that I didn't. I can not remember being this excited about an item of clothing since the 80's! All because of a black Guess? belt!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My new "Job"
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween 2009
Halloween is so much more fun without the devils, witches, and sexy costumes! We were blessed to have good clean fun!
Happy Fall Ya'll!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Thorn in Thy Side...
While at Kai's volleyball game on Monday, Kenzie kept crying, "I want it out, It hurts". She even skipped cheerleading, then we knew it was bad. When we got home, we tried to get it out, without any success. So Tuesday morning, I took her to the ER. The doctor looked at me like I was crazy. I could tell she didn't think there was anything in there, but was going to cut on her anyway, just to be sure.
They wrapped Kenzie up in a sheet to restrain her, along with 2 nurses and myself, while the doctor gave her 5 numbing shots. It wasn't pleasant to watch her scream in agony! The doctor cut above the scab... nothing. Then below the scab and she said, "Oh my goodness! I got it!" She proceeded to tell me that she did not think there was anything in there at first. I told her I could tell that, which made her a little uncomfortable, I think. (A MOM KNOWS! When will doctors give us credit for knowing our children?) So, there it was, but what was it?
When Kevin got home Tuesday evening, we went back to the scene of the crime (it was too dark on Sunday) and Kenzie showed us exactly where she was when she got hurt. I had pruned my only rose bush a couple of weeks ago. We are pretty sure that it was the thorn inside her leg and part of the dying limb broke off that we originally got out! What a big deal a little thorn made. It kind of gives a new meaning to the old saying, "A thorn in thy side"...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
LHS Football
We were able to have our photo taken by a local TV station last night. Click the link to see us at "The Tailgate Party"!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Please Pray for the O'Malley Family
This is an alert to all of my Southeast friends! One of the churches we attended here in Lumberton has a wonderful preacher with a wonderful family. Even though we chose not to go to make this our home church, we have kept in touch with the family. They have 5 children. Their oldest, Jonathan, who is 16 was living at Texas Childrens Hospital in Houston fighting Leukemia. He was sent home over the summer cancer free!
This morning, I got an alert to look at his Care Page (See attached link) and at my dismay, he is in remission. This family is in need of financial assistance! They will have to attain an apartment in Houston again with the mother, Melanie and the younger children. She will homeschool them there. Kevin, the father and preacher of Lumberton C of C, will be back and forth with his preaching duties and his family. Please keep them in your prayers. If you can help financially, please do.
The family is Kevin and Melanie O'Malley and the son's name is Jonathan.
Thank you!
This morning, I got an alert to look at his Care Page (See attached link) and at my dismay, he is in remission. This family is in need of financial assistance! They will have to attain an apartment in Houston again with the mother, Melanie and the younger children. She will homeschool them there. Kevin, the father and preacher of Lumberton C of C, will be back and forth with his preaching duties and his family. Please keep them in your prayers. If you can help financially, please do.
The family is Kevin and Melanie O'Malley and the son's name is Jonathan.
Thank you!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The $250 Magnet!
Today, Tuesday, I called his pediatrician and she wanted to see him. Low and behold, I fed him a Fiber One bar and 30 minutes later, Cami came in (while I was showering) with the butter container which held the magnet, among other yucky things. She had "caught" it since I was in the shower. Way to go Cami!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Fun, Friends & Gators
I was affirmed about my love for these wonderful creatures God created during my visit. The reason an alligator is my favorite animal is because they are vicious, sneaky, strong, scary, beautiful creatures that can rip an animal to shreds in one bite, and then carry their babies in the same mouth and be so gentle. God is creative in His teachings.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What 2 Years can do!

Friday, June 12, 2009
Forever Friends!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
First Tooth Gone!
Kaden's Kindergarten Graduation
Today, Kaden graduated from kindergarten. I loved the cute little ceremony they had. They sang 3 songs, one of which was the Lumberton Fight song, Kaden's favorite. How cool for all the kindergartener's to have such schoool spirit already. My favorite part was when Mr. Kevin Wing, the principal (also a member of our church), closed with a beautiful prayer. Way to go Kaden!
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Soul Has Opened Up
It's been a few years ago, but Oprah interviewed the writer of One Day My Soul Just Opened Up. She just bragged and bragged about how wonderful this book was. So, I bought it. I read some of it and didn't care for it. Since then, I have grown and matured as well as been through more trails in life. As we officially began our adoption journey this weekend, I can't help but continually think to myself that exact phrase...my soul just opened up.
Saturday, Kevin and I sat through 8 hours of our first PRIDE classes which are mandatory for foster or adoptive parents. In the class we were asked to participate in some group activities as well as some personal exploration. I expected some of that, and I am thankful for the great group of people who are in these classes with us. But, there were some things I didn't expect too. I even found myself emotional at points.
Since these were our first classes, I expected them to be rather informational and broad. Much to my surprise, it was so much more. Having the desire to adopt since I was 5 years old, and being the kind of person I am, I have done my research. I knew what kind of issues come along with adopting from the state of Texas. I expected to deal with neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse, but there is so much more to it.
I didn't think about how the minds of children operate, how they would want to go back to the way things were, no matter how bad, because they missed their parents and that is all they have ever known. I didn't think about how these biological parents are not horrible people, they are people like you and me, with just more problems. Problems that I can not fathom to understand. And I am signing up to take their child from them forever.
I have often put myself in the shoes of a woman who has chosen adoption in lieu of abortion, but never in the shoes of someone who loves their child, they just don' t know how to get off the drugs, or deal with anger properly, or just not find enough work to make enough money for food. The masks of these villains came off in this class and these people became parents. Many of these people are victims of circumstance. How can I be so judgemental when my circumstances could have easily been just as horrible? I lucked out.
Kevin and I went into this with never wanting to have contact with the birth parents. We would see children with biological family contact and say that child was not for us, but it's not about just us. A child somewhere out there has been hurt beyond my imagination and it's going to be my job, as his parent to ease the hurt. How is taking them away from the only family he's ever known accomplishing that? Of course, it will depend on the people involved and the situation, but there is so much more to it than we expected.
So, I began putting a Biblical spin on the situation, as I often do. None of my children are truly mine, they belong to God. In a sense, they are adopted as well. Don't they deserve to know their real Father? To know where they come from? Isn't it my job to make sure they know their Father loves them and has trusted me to care for them until He decides to call us all home? As hard as that is to swallow, it's not about me, it's about them. It's about making these children into wonderful world-changing Christians who have a wonderful relationship with their Father.
We have 6 more Saturdays of 8 hour classes to attend. I can only imagine when we get into the really deep topics how much more I will learn about people and about myself. God works in peculiar ways sometimes. I have wanted to adopt to change the life of a child, and in turn, I am being changed before a child ever has entered the picture. What a wonderful soul opening emotional journey we are on. I know that God will guide us through this and make us stronger better beings because of it.
Thank you Lord for your lessons, especially those that are unexpected. Sometimes those lessons open my heart and my mind more effectively. I know you are constantly working on me, as I am a work in progress, but it is good for me to recognize the changes from time to time. Thank you for allowing me to care and nurture and love your children here on earth, for they are my greatest joy. I ask for your guidance as we raise them to become a Godly people. Thank you for all of your many blessings we have received from you, both great and small. Thank you for the sacrifice of Your Son. I can not imagine such sacrifice. Your plan is amazing and I am so thankful for the opportunity to benefit from it. Please give me the strength to get through the tough times and the words to praise you in any storm. Please help me to always remember how far I've come and how much further I have to go. Thank you for how important I am to you as you are always there by my side. Please help me to share your word with those around me. Help me to always be an example to my children and to everyone who comes in contact with me. Help me to radiate on the outside what wonderful things you have done on the inside of me. Forgive me, please Lord, for all my many sins. Thank you for making me perfect again by forgetting all I have done wrong. I love you Lord. It's in you precious Son's holy name I pray, Amen.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Our Baby Is Growing Up!
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